Is Liam Morgan really an artist? Like, a real one? There is strong evidence to support the argument that Mr. Morgan is really a real artist: he has been granted permission to reside in two different countries of which he is not a citizen based on his status of "Artist", he has been been given some rather large sums of money from places like the Canada Council for the Arts (who claim to only give money to those that they approve as 'Professional Artists'), he has been invited to make things to show in some pretty large exhibitions (like Documenta), he has a studio whose rental cost he can claim as a business expense when he files his tax returns. He also makes some art! That said, we have not found anything more than working definitions of what a real artist actually is and so despite the extensive evidence, we cannot conclusivly rule on this question. Instead, we invite you to examine further evidence among some of the things that Mr. Morgan has made over the years. Tap that ART button!
Isn't he a Director of Photography? His Instagram looks like he makes movies It is true that Mr. Morgan has worked in various ways with images for movies of various sorts for the past 20 years and he self-identifies as Cinematographer, both in the modern conotative meaning of the word and in Bresson's more encompassing usage of the title. He even has some letters that he is allowed to put after his name: BVK. That said, his roles in image-making have varied from film to film and project to project over the years. He has been a Director, a Director of Photography, an "A" Camera Operator, a "B" Camera Operator, a Gaffer, an Editor, a Colourist, and even once a Sound Recordist! Hit that FILM button!
Where does Liam come from? He has a strange accent that is hard to identify... Mr. Morgan was born in the land of Pocologan but had to leave in the early 1990s when more than 50% of the population of Pocologan emigrated. Since then, he has lived in Canada, Thailand, Sweden, Taiwan & Germany and so has a bit of a mixed accent when speaking English, which is the language his Mother speaks, but not the language his ancestors spoke.
Is Liam one of founders of the Bangkok Biennial? The Bangkok Biennial appeared mysteriously in 2018 and was operated anonymously by a group of people only identified by the name "BB Team". It is not clear to what extent Mr. Morgan was involved in "BB Team" nor whether or not he was even in Bangkok at the time of the biennial's conception.
Artist & Cinematographer (Director of Photography
What's his favourite colour? No first-hand information has yet been located regarding Mr. Morgan's favorite colour, but there are references to his NOT liking the colour green. That said, a few of his works do feature green prominantly, though mostly in the form of vegetation and even that he has, at times, rendered colourless by iluminating it with only pure mono-frequency red and blue light*. *See the lighting installation works "Sun Moon Lake is a Concrete Box", "All You Need & Nothing More", and "In Theory It Should Be OK"