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Liam Morgan, 2012

found photographs, found wood. 150x120cm

1992 is a found-object piece. It is made from 35mm photographic negatives and old wood found in an abandoned building, The pictures were from the construction of the building; they were taken in 1992. The photographer is unknown, but it would have been someone from the construction company taking ‘evidence’ photographs of the work

in progress. The building was never finished. They were taken with a date-stamp camera. So, assuming the camera was set up properly, the images were made on Feb 26th, 1992 and the negatives sat in the unfinished building for the next 20 years. These were ‘disposable images’; they were made to demonstrate evidence of a problem. Once the problem was described to whoever needed to know about the problem, the images were no longer useful to anyone. But because they are physical objects, their life went beyond their intended purpose and they changed and took on a life of their own. They have become something very different from their original author’s intended lot-in-life. This is a pondering on the massive paradigm shift we have seen in the way people produce and consume photographs; images have become a means of communicating experience in (almost) real-time, rather than something captured to be kept and reminisced at some point in the future. They are a spoken conversation, rather then the written letter they once were. In fact, the photographs that make up 1992 were made in a similar spirit to how many people create photographs now; they are unintentional fore-runners of this great digital shift of visual literacy.

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